The team is involved in all areas of business criminal law and has developed expertise especially in labour criminal law.
It also regularly advises and assists groups in the implementation and monitoring of delegations of authority.
Key areas
General criminal law
- Misuse of company assets, submission of inaccurate accounting, bankruptcy
- Money laundering and receiving laundered money
- Market abuse (insider trading, dissemination of false or misleading information, markets manipulation)
- Fraud, misappropiation, concealment
- Corruption, influence peddling, favoritism, illegal interest taking
- Public procurement law
- Fraud and cybercrime
Criminal labor law
- Advise and assistance during crisis situations (strikes, kidnappings)
- Compliance with legislation on work, illegal subcontracting and illict supply of workers
- Occupational health and safety
- Psychosocial risks: sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace
- Discrimination