fr Search News and eventsNews & events NewsEventRankingFilter by typeBusiness litigationCompetition, consumer & distributionCorporateCriminal business lawDirectors & officersEmploymentIP/ITReal estate & constructionRestructuring / Insolvency proceedingsTaxWealth managementFilter by skillRankingCoblence Avocats Ranked in the 2024 Décideurs Real Estate GuideSep 27, 2024RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by ODA Litigation 2024May 28, 2024Business litigationRankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Le Point 2024Apr 18, 2024RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by ODA in Restructuring 2024Apr 11, 2024Restructuring / Insolvency proceedingsRankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Dispute Resolution 2024Apr 10, 2024Business litigationRankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Restructuring & Insolvency 2024Apr 10, 2024Restructuring / Insolvency proceedingsRankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Promotion & Construction 2024Apr 8, 2024Real estate & constructionRankingOur Corporate team is recognized by the Legal 500 EMEA 2024Mar 29, 2024CorporateRankingCoblence avocats has been rewarded at the "Palmarès du Droit" 2024Mar 27, 2024Corporate IP/IT Restructuring / Insolvency proceedingsRankingOur Employment team is once again recognized by Chambers Europe 2024Mar 14, 2024EmploymentRankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in IP/IT 2024Feb 27, 2024IP/ITRankingCoblence avocats has been rewarded at the Sommet du Droit 2024Jan 31, 2024Corporate Employment Directors & officers12345
RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by ODA in Restructuring 2024Apr 11, 2024Restructuring / Insolvency proceedings
RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Dispute Resolution 2024Apr 10, 2024Business litigation
RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Restructuring & Insolvency 2024Apr 10, 2024Restructuring / Insolvency proceedings
RankingCoblence avocats is ranked by Décideurs in Promotion & Construction 2024Apr 8, 2024Real estate & construction
RankingCoblence avocats has been rewarded at the "Palmarès du Droit" 2024Mar 27, 2024Corporate IP/IT Restructuring / Insolvency proceedings
RankingCoblence avocats has been rewarded at the Sommet du Droit 2024Jan 31, 2024Corporate Employment Directors & officers